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Here is how we can make a difference!

I went to a conference where virtually every public and community health agency in the area where I live was represented. There is a change...

Spiritual Self Care

Spiritual self care is the feel good self care. It is NOT religious unless you want to make it that way. I am talking about doing what makes you feel good right down to your toes! It means different things to different people. Whatever it is...it must give you great joy and make you feel connected to yourself and others including feeling connected to something greater than yourself. This is the easiest self care because it makes you feel so good... who wouldn't want to practice it? So what makes people feel connected and full of joy? For some it is deep serious self reflection. Maybe reading a spiritual or prayer book and reflecting. For others it is meditation, Yoga, or practicing energy work by aligning their Chakras or receiving Reiki from a professional practitioner. Others go out in Nature such as sitting on the beach watching the waves, hearing the tides and smelling the salt air with the Sun shining on them. Adventurous people might climb a mountain then sit  at the top and admire the view in wonder of the beauty. It doesn't have to be out in nature. Play with small children or a dog or cat. Sit at the local park and watch kids play. Volunteer your time and effort at a place where it makes you feel awesome! Go out in the community and see what is going on. Maybe join the festivities. Get up early to watch the sunrise or go somewhere special for a spectacular sunset. Go to a Church of your choice. Pass on your knowledge and talent by teaching someone something in your area of interest and watch the joy as they learn. Maybe you need to connect with others struggling with substance use disorder, so go to a Peer group to support and inspire others. If home alone, blast some music and sing your heart out! Dance! Whatever it is, feel the joy! Be grateful for the gift of life!

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