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Here is how we can make a difference!

I went to a conference where virtually every public and community health agency in the area where I live was represented. There is a change...

Here is how we can make a difference!

I went to a conference where virtually every public and community health agency in the area where I live was represented. There is a change in the wording of the common language being used when speaking about "addiction". I want to talk about this and explain some of the reasons why this is being changed.
When you hear the words "addict", "addiction", "drug abuse", it brings a mental image to whoever hears or reads these terms.....for example, the word abuse brings on the image of someone hurting another person. These words, which depict images when heard, influence a person towards being judgmental of that person or group of people. This could affect the quality of healthcare for that judged person. Maybe that person feels judged and won't go for help. That is a terrible thought! We need to stop judging by changing our language when speaking about or with "people with substance use disorder". Doesn't that sound like we are talking about an everyday person with a diagnosis that needs to be treated? Yes! Let's start using these terms:
substance use disorder, person in recovery, drug misuse, actively using, abstinent, not using.
NO more addiction, addict, drug abuse, former addict, clean, dirty. Let's talk about people as if they ARE people, like you, like me. When people who have a substance use disorder talk about themselves, they also should not use the old terms. Why? Because talking about themselves in a negative way presents a negative self image in their own mind. When they say it over and over again, that negative self image is reinforced over and over. That is enough to make anyone depressed, want to hide and numb those negative feelings! So let's help others talk and feel more positive about themselves. It starts with me and you. Together we can make a difference!

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