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Here is how we can make a difference!

I went to a conference where virtually every public and community health agency in the area where I live was represented. There is a change...

Personal Power

We all have personal power. Yes, we are made of energy particles therefore we are energy and energy is power. We all have the ability to use our power in amazing ways. We also have Free Will to do what we want with our energy. Have you ever "willed" yourself sick before an event you really did not want to go to...focused intensely on how happy you would feel after passing an exam...visualized yourself excelling in a sports game and actually have these happen, just as you expected? You used your personal power. What would happen if you focused on how to steal some money for the next fix....constantly lied to cover your habit...always thought about your "bad luck"? Your power would start becoming negative and sickly. Once you cross over that line and become addicted to some type of opioid, you give your personal power away to the drug 100%. The drug now controls you. You have allowed the drug to take your personal power. It starts affecting every aspect of your life because you are now the puppet. The drug has taken over your personality. You are negative, irritable and don't care about anything except your next drug use. It ruins your family life, social life, your school and/or your work. On the outside you are the same person, but on the inside you lack personal power because you gave it away. So, TAKE IT BACK! Step 1 in the 12 Steps talks about admitting you are powerless. Any disagreement there? If you are an addict then you are powerless at this time. But you CAN start heading the the direction of getting your power back 100%. It is never too late to begin this process. In order to do this you must begin at a basic level and admit that drugs have your personal power.... temporarily. At the very least, start Addiction Counseling. Maybe you need inpatient or maybe an outpatient clinic fits your needs. See an Addiction professional. They can get your input then tell you which one is best for you. Don't rely strictly on your friends and family unless they have experience and education in Addiction. There are too many myths out there. Family and friends however, can be a great support system if they are interested in becoming educated and involved with your recovery. With the right treatment, with the right professionals, with the right attitude, you CAN take back your personal power 100%. Read about "The Next Step: The Phone Call" and read about being "...nervous about going to a 12 Step Meeting" for more insight.

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