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Here is how we can make a difference!

I went to a conference where virtually every public and community health agency in the area where I live was represented. There is a change...

Nervous about going to a 12 Step Meeting?

For many, a 12 Step Meeting or even the concepts of the 12 Steps is too much to take in all at once. All you want to do is stop using! You might not want to read about the history of AA or NA. You might think all this wording is way too long and it can't hold your interest. You might think the meeting is a bunch of blah, blah, blah. The truth is that you are at the very beginning of recovery or just contemplating recovery. This means you are nervous, anxious, jittery and can hardly tolerate sitting through the meeting itself! Twelve steps will seem like a long list of chores. It is too difficult to focus at the beginning of recovery. Don't over think it! No one will expect anything out of you. If you can't sit through an entire meeting, go outside for a few minutes, then return. Maybe walk off some of that nervous energy or talk to others who are doing the same as you. Try not to smoke. Remember, no war stories! The one rule during conversations: never speak of you amount of use as if it is something to brag about. That is addictive behavior and it could trigger someone beside you to go out and use. Be kind, always.

At the meeting you will see people of all ages, races, job positions. Addiction is not prejudice. Another basic rule is anonymity. Who you see in the meeting never gets acknowledged outside of the meeting. Same with whoever sees you. It is the golden rule and all alcoholics and addicts have honored this for many, many years. If you only follow one thing, this is it. Be kind, always.

Usually at meeting there are pamphlets or books. Often someone further along in recovery will offer you their beginner's book. Don't blow it off entirely. You can get some material and save the reading for when you are at a slightly better place, when you can sit still and focus your energy. When you start some reading, you can divide it up according to your needs. A chapter at a time, a page at a time, a paragraph at a time, or a sentence at a time. No pressure. It is at your own pace. Once you are totally done with a book, pass it on to a newbie. Be kind, always.

After the meeting, the room has to be arranged the way it was before it was prepared for the meeting. The coffee percolator must be emptied and rinsed out. Volunteers are needed. If you have the time and need to use some of that nervous energy, offer to help. Be kind, always.

Congratulations if you made it to your first meeting! Good job!

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