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Here is how we can make a difference!

I went to a conference where virtually every public and community health agency in the area where I live was represented. There is a change...



 An opioid overdose requires immediate medical attention! An essential first step is to get help from some- one with medical expertise as soon as possible.

***Call 911 immediately if you or someone you know exhibits any of the symptoms listed below.
All you have to say: 

“Someone is unresponsive and not breathing.” 
Give a clear address and/or description of your location. 

Signs of OVERDOSE, which is a life threatening emergency, include the following:

 The face is extremely pale and/or clammy to the touch.
 The body is limp.
 Fingernails or lips have a blue or purple cast.
 The person is vomiting or making gurgling noises.
 He or she cannot be awakened from sleep or is unable to speak.
 Breathing is very slow or stopped.
 The heartbeat is very slow or stopped.

Signs of OVER MEDICATION, which may progress to overdose, include:

 Unusual sleepiness or drowsiness.
 Mental confusion, slurred speech, or intoxicated behavior.
 Slow or shallow breathing.
 Extremely small “pinpoint” pupils.
 Slow heartbeat or low blood pressure.
 Difficulty in being awakened from sleep.

Info from website:


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