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Here is how we can make a difference!

I went to a conference where virtually every public and community health agency in the area where I live was represented. There is a change...

"I'm getting clean...now what....I still have problems!"

Problems, problems, problems! You had a problem and turned to drugs/alcohol to fix it, then got addicted. You had a problem and did drugs to distract you or numb you, then got addicted. You did drugs/alcohol, you got addicted, and it caused problems in your life. Addiction ruins every aspect of your life: personal, family, social, employment, legal. It is a vicious cycle: problem....drugs, drugs....problems...back to drugs etc...Your mind makes up excuses and reasons to continue using drugs. In the old day it was called, "Stinkin Thinkin". Your mind wants to win, and your mind is strong! That's where Addiction Counseling comes in with Addiction Focused Problem Solving to break the cycle. It is a specialized approach to .....everyday shit.  You need Addiction Counselor to show you how it works. With focus and 100% effort it can be done!

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