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Here is how we can make a difference!

I went to a conference where virtually every public and community health agency in the area where I live was represented. There is a change...

Can I die from withdrawal symptoms if they are bad enough? What can I do for withdrawals?

You will not die from the symptoms of opioid withdrawal, no matter how bad they are. You will feel like you are dying and others looking at you might agree. You will not die, but there is no doubt you are suffering :(     What can happen medically is severe dehydration from the sweating, vomiting and diarrhea. Being badly dehydrated is a feeling of extreme weakness, pale skin, sunken eyes, cracked dry lips, possibly even dizziness. If the person cannot drink a large amount of water and Gatorade or Powerade, then go to an Urgent Care for IV fluids to rehydrate. In a dehydrated state you are at risk for injury from a fall due to weakness. How many of us had a real bad flu and nearly fell in the bathroom from feeling weak and dizzy? Be safe.....getting hydrated is necessary whether it is from drinking lots of fluids or getting IV fluids. Always have some Gatorade or Powerade in addition to water and IV fluids to replenish your electrolytes. It will help bring back your strength. Over the counter products can help with other withdrawal symptoms such as Immodium for diarrhea, I would avoid Kaopectate and Pepto Bismol since it contains a substance similar to aspirin and anyone ages 12-18 should not take aspirin since there is a chance it can cause a disease called Reyes Syndrome (serious/ fatal disease) if conditions are right. Imodium takes a little time to work so take it at the first signs of diarrhea. If you are pregnant, go to the Emergency Room since you don't want to risk taking any medication, and dehydration when pregnant is much more serious! For muscle cramps take ibuprofen or naproxen but don't exceed the max dose recommended or you can damage your kidneys. I would avoid acetaminophen unless you are absolutely sure you do not have Hepatitis C Antibody; it might overload your liver. Over the counter magnesium supplements also may help muscle cramping if taken according to directions and you do not exceed the recommended dose. Need some sleep? Only at night, use generic benadryl (diphenhydramine) 2 caps and try some melantonin: anywhere from 3mg - 5 mg any brand, or a 10 mg time release tab by Natrol. Melantonin is a hormone your own body makes which regulates the wake-sleep cycle. Taking a supplement helps some people with sleep disturbances get a decent night's sleep. If you end up going to Urgent Care it is best to have someone with you who knows about why you are in this condition. If ER staff suspect you are in withdrawals then whoever is with you might find out. If the Emergency Room takes blood...if they draw any blood they might do some drug testing......if they get a urine sample they might do some drug testing.....that is all I will say on that. If you are drug tested in any way and you are on probation then your probation officer might find out and have concrete evidence against you. Be wise. Go for IV fluids and don't ask for any narcotics or benzodiazepines (like xanax or ativan) and you should be treated well, be rehydrated, & released. Simple as that.

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