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I went to a conference where virtually every public and community health agency in the area where I live was represented. There is a change...

Recovery: The Intake Appointment Part 2

So you already gave you address, phone numbers, emergency contact, paid your fees and have been told countless of instructions and rules. Don't worry about remembering all that. You can always ask and most likely you will be reminded by both staff and other patients. The mindset of patients in recovery seems to vary according to what state or part of the USA you live. I have been told countless of times by "visiting" patients from other states how this is true. So this is straight from the patients themselves. (By the way, in NH, we are very friendly and helpful to all.)
So the Addiction Counselor is the next professional you will see after the business part. This is a long detailed meeting but it is very important! Please do NOT use right before this Intake appointment and do NOT use in the bathroom in between seeing professionals! You nod off, and you have to reschedule! You are cranked up and can't sit still, you have to reschedule! and that postpones your first medication appointment with the doctor so it is pointless. Now, we don't want you vomiting either so plan accordingly....you know what I mean. The appointment is at least 2 maybe 2 1/2 hours. When you see the Addiction Counselor you will be asked everything from the first day you ever used in your life until present day. Questions about every drug you tested including cigarettes and alcohol. Please be honest but don't embellish. No one will be impressed. They will ask about your childhood, your family, employment, legal stuff etc...all this plays a significant role in your recovery. If Uncle Brian beat you every Christmas morning, we aren't going to ask you how your Christmas was. If your friend overdosed in March, we will be on the alert for depressive behavior and possible alcohol/drug use near springtime. All the questions are for a reason. We don't like paperwork that much. A big thank you for being patient with all the questions! The last professional you will see is the nurse in The Intake appointment part 3.

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