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Here is how we can make a difference!

I went to a conference where virtually every public and community health agency in the area where I live was represented. There is a change...

Myth: Methadone rots your teeth

FALSE. Teeth do not rot within months of starting a methadone program. It takes time, lots of time to have more than one tooth rot enough to be pulled. It is the amount of time you spent using that is the culprit. Years of not eating properly (and not taking vitamins), years of not brushing, years of not seeing a dentist for preventative cleanings will lead to tooth decay. A poor diet for an extended period of time will leave your body deficient in nutrients. Then your body start taking nutrients where it can, at the least vital place...your teeth. Once you are in recovery, you start noticing what you couldn't see or feel while you were using all those years. Your gums are sore, they might bleed easy, you have uncontrolled bad breath. You start taking care of your health and think you escaped any health issues. Then one day you bite into something and start chewing and....snafoo! A broken tooth. It is easy to blame methadone and since there is some amount of sugar in the liquid form. It might sound like a very logical blame to you. But know it takes years to do that kind of damage. Nothing you can do about it now except take care of what is, and do what you can to prevent any further damage. At the first sign (or before) of trouble with teeth or gums, make an appointment with a dentist. Don't wait until you are in pain, have an infection or break a tooth since there will be a period of waiting until an appointment is available. Worst case scenario:  having a legitimate infection with pain and going to the Emergency Room as an addict asking for an antibiotic and pain med. If they don't want to give you pain med, you suffer. If they give you pain med, you should give the med to a family member who can dispense the correct amount of tablets to you during the prescribed time frame. Until you are further along in recovery it is way too tempting to abuse the prescription. You don't want to make your situation worse, make yourself feel worse or lose any ground you gained while in recovery. If you made progress in recovery, be proud and ask someone to help you with your prescribed med!

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